sábado, 25 de março de 2017

Pencil illustration

Watson Portela - Master in Drawing Art was born in Camaragibe, Pernambuco, on October 18, 1950. Like every child, he began to draw at the age of eight, not stopping. He was the only Brazilian designer to design the cover of Tex. Designer author created the only Brazilian hero Super-Gay, a humorous satire with the heroes of Marvel and DC published in a special edition in the year 1982, with 68 pages by the publisher Grafipar. In 1986, he was awarded the Ângelo Agostini - Comic Book Prize. In 1988, he received the prize - April of journalism - best drawing. In 1988 she received the Dona Beija prize - the April prize for journalism, the best drawing. 2009 receives the Ângelo Agostini - 2015 award (receives the homage as Grand Master of the comics). HQMIX Trophy Created in 1988 by the duo Jal and Gualberto Costa, in TV MIX TV Gazeta, the HQMIX Trophy was sponsored by the then presenter of the program, Serginho Groisman. The national vote is made by the category of hq designers and graphic humor through the Association of Cartoonists of Brazil (ACB) and the Institute of Graphic Arts of Brazil (IMAG).
In the 80's he even won a fan club. He was one of the first Brazilian designers to stand out in the Brazilian Comics scene.

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